Friday, November 6, 2009

Works so far - collaborative + individual

As the title indicates, this course revolves around producing collaborative work as well as individual projects. For the collaborative part we started working on pieces of wood that have been worked on before by other students, then we had to trade these pieces with the rest of the team and work again on the new ones. The following two images were my first pieces that I added my touch on them. For the first wood I drew some doodling on it and for the second one I painted the character and added some lines and wash. I had other two that I worked on as well but unfortunately forgot to take pictures! I will take more pictures of these traded woods and post them here soon.
As for the individual work, I got inspired by an artist called: Jeff Soto. His style is similar to Barry McGee's where they both use interesting color palette, subject matter, technique and bold themes. Soto uses found objects, precisely wood, as a surface to work on and then assembles them in a unique order that gives it an interesting shape. For his installations he paints the walls and add paint drips to further enhance his work.
The images below include some of Soto's work as well as McGee's and another anonymous artist's work. I was inspired to try their technique for my individual work.

So I started by cutting the wood using a jigsaw (credits for helping: Joshua Watts). I originally wanted to follow Soto's technique in assembling small pieces of wood together and form the shape based on that, but ended up cutting one big surface as I couldn't cut small squares and rectangles using a jigsaw.
The process after cutting the wood with some close-up shots.
Techniques: Screen print, acrylic paint, wash, collage, drawing

And the final result is this:

A bit away from Soto's style but I like it! It was a good experience in learning new styles and materials for this one project. I might still work on it later on this semester and make it look better.
I started this project on the 5th of October, 2009, and ended on the 13th of October, 2009.

That's it for now. Will post more soon.

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